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Jasiel Domínguez Jomarrón (jdominguez)

Contact Info

Jasiel Domínguez Jomarrón (jdominguez)



Ing. Jasiel Domínguez Jomarrón is graduated of Informatics Engineer from ISPJAE, in 2015. He is member of the Union of Cuban Informatics (UIC), since October 2015. Currently, he is working as "Researcher" at the Data Mining Department of the Advanced Technologies Application Center (CENATAV), Cuba.

Research Topics of Interest

His research interests include but not restricted to:

  • Link prediction in social networks
  • Frequent subgraph mining in dynamic graphs


  • Unión de Informáticos de Cuba (UIC), desde Octubre 2015.
  • Asociación Cubana de Reconocimiento de Patrones (ACRP), desde Septiembre 2015.

Academic Background

  • Informatics Engineer. ISPJAE, Cuba, July 2015.


1. Domínguez, J.; Perera, E.; Verona, S; Computerization of a quantitative model to evaluate the quality of software products based on the Goal-Question-Metric approach, XVI International Convention and Fair Informática 2016, La Habana, Cuba, 2016

2. J. Domínguez; J. Medina: Predicción de enlaces en redes sociales: un estado del arte.Revista Control, Cibernética y Automatización, Vol. 4 Núm. 2,ISSN:2312-5276, ICIMAF, Cuba, 2016.

3. Jasiel Domínguez Jomarrón, Niusvel Acosta Mendoza, José E. Medina Pagola: “Predicción de enlaces en redes sociales dinámicas basado reglas de asociación”. In: Proceedings of XV Congreso Nacional de Reconocimiento de Patrones (RECPAT 2017), La Habana (Cuba), Noviembre 2017.



Pattern Recognition Department
Data Mining Department
Biometric Department