About Us
The Advanced Technologies Application Center (CENATAV) is a center for theoretical and applied investigations in Pattern Recognition (PR), and Data Mining (DM) fields. CENATAV has as fundamental mission introduce in social practice the achieved scientific contributions, addressing the needs of the scientific-technical and socio-economic progress, as well as to increase the National Scientific Patrimony. CENATAV was created in 2004 and is still in consolidation process. Besides its activity in theoretical and applied investigation CENATAV offers services of scientific–technical information, consultancy, graduate courses on Pattern Recognition and Data Mining.
The center is guided to the theoretical and applied investigations in the area of Pattern Recognition and Data Mining. The investigations include the digital images and signals processing , the teledetection , the logical combinatory recognition of patterns, the structural syntactic recognition, the testors theory, conceptual algorithms, analysis of textures, the conceptual interpretation of space data, the text mining, the mining of blended data, among others. The applications are directed to such areas as the biometric, the recovery of information, the geologic prospecting, information text processing, among others.
Among its scientific projections are:
- The prosessing, analysis and interpretation of images and signs,
- The vision for computer,
- The remote perception,
- The Statistical Recognition of Patterns,
- Structural Syntactic Recognition of Patterns
- Logical Combinatory Recognition of Patterns,
- Neural Nets and the Genetic Algorithms in Pattern Recognition and Data Mining
- Mathematical Morphology,
- Foundations of Pattern Recognition.
- Theory of Testores,
- Algebra of Heuristic Algorithms,
- Discreet Geometry,
- Fuzzy Models of Pattern Recognition,
- Algebraic and Discreet Models in the analysis of images,
- Prosecution of big volumes of data
- Techniques of Data Mining, Texts, Signals and Images,
- Development and introduction of the software and the hardware for Patter Recognition
Areas of application of our results are:
- Geosciences
- Chemometric
- Criminalistic
- Medicine
- National Economy
The Center offers diverse scientific and technical services as consultancy and specialized scientific information in the spheres of Pattern Recognition and Data Mining. It also contributes to the scientific formation of the students of higher and graduate level and by means of tutorial of thesis, masteries and doctorate as well as the teaching of courses specialized in the working thematic of CENATAV. Also, it discloses the results of the investigations in the working thematic of CENATAV, it proposes the celebration and it participates actively in national and international scientific events, as well as it promotes the development of links with institutions and international organizations related by affinity.