"A gaussian selection method for speaker verfication with short utterances", Flavio J. Reyes Díaz, Gabriel Hdez. Sierra y José R. Calvo de Lara. Computación y Sistemas, 2014, vol. 18, no 2, p. 345-358.
International Congresses
Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP)
Gabriel Hernandez, José Ramón Calvo de Lara, Flavio Jorge Reyes, Rafael Fernández Torres: “Simple Noise robust feature vector selection method for speaker recognition”. Proceedings of CIARP 2009, LNCS 5856, November 2009.
Flavio J. Reyes Díaz, José R. Calvo de Lara and Gabriel Hernández Sierra “Gaussian selection for speaker recognition using cumulative vectors”. In proceedings of XVII Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), 2012.
National Congresses
National Congress ofMathematics and Computer Science (COMPUMAT)
“Simple Noise robust feature vector selection method for speaker recognition”, Gabriel Hernandez, José Ramón Calvo de Lara and Flavio J. Reyes. COMPUMAT 2009.
National Congress ofpattern recognition anddata mining (RECPAT)
“Simple Noise robust feature vector selection method for speaker recognition”, Gabriel Hernandez, José Ramón Calvo de Lara and Flavio J. Reyes. RECPAT 2009.
“Métodos de clasificación de locutores utilizando clasificadores Boosting”, Flavio J. Reyes Díaz, Gabriel Hdez. Sierra y José R. Calvo de Lara. RECPAT 2010.
“A simple and effective Gaussian component selection for speaker recognition using cumulative vectors”, Flavio J. Reyes Díaz, Gabriel Hdez. Sierra and José R. Calvo de Lara. RECPAT 2011.
"Adaboosting Method of Gaussian Selection Using Cumulative Vector for Speaker Verification", Flavio J. Reyes Díaz, Gabriel Hdez. Sierra and José R. Calvo de Lara. RECPAT 2014.
Technical Report
Flavio J. Reyes Díaz, Gabriel Hernández. Sierra y José R. Calvo de Lara. “Métodos de Clasificacion de locutores utilizando clasificadores boosting” Reporte Técnico RT- 041 Serie Azul, Departamento de Ingeniería de sistema, Centro de Aplicaciones de Tecnologías de Avanzada (CENATAV), Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba, 2011.
“VERIVOZ: Sistema de Verificación Remota de Personas por la Voz.” Gabriel Hernández, José Ramon Calvo, Dayana Ribas, Flavio J. Reyes Díaz, Yannia Castellanos, Humberto Sierra, Orlando Jiménez, Adamis Rodriguez: En memorias del VIII Simposio de la Técnica Criminalística, Revista CIDT. La Habana, Cuba, 2012.
International Conference on Informatics and Computer Sciences (CICCI)
"Remote user-authentication method by voice signals", Flavio J. Reyes Díaz, Gabriel Hernández Sierra and José Ramón Calvo de Lara. Inmemories of the event CICCI, Havana, Cuba, 2013.