Eduardo Garea Llano (egarea)
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Eduardo Garea Llano (egarea) | |
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Dr. Eduardo Garea Llano is B.S. in Geology and Hydrogeology Engineering at Mining Institute of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 1993. He also holds the Mcs degree Geology in the same Institute in 1993. He obtained the PhD degree in Technical Sciences at Polytechnic Institute of Havana in 2003. At the present time he is the Head of the Pattern Recognition Department of the Advanced Technologies Application Center of Cuba. Dr. Garea has focused his researches to remote sensing and to the complex interpretation of spatial data using analytical tools in Geographical Information System (GIS), digital image processing, biometry, and Semantic Processing of Spatial Data. Dr. Garea began his work in 1993 at Havana Subway Project Enterprise (1993-1995) where develop engineering geological research for civil engineering. From 1995 to 1997 he worked at Soil Research Institute developing researches in the area of soil evaluation, classification and cartography using Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques. From 1997 to 2002 he worked at the Enterprise Group GEOCUBA IC developing researches in the area of remote sensing, digital image processing and GIS, applied to the environmental management, agricultural development and government resources management. From 2002 to 2004 he worked at Project Management Center of the Environment Ministry developing researches and applications of remote sensing and GIS. In 2003 he defended his PhD thesis obtaining a validation of a new GIS methodology for the complex integration of spatial data and a new method to spatial recognition of zones of combination of natural factors in the context of a reasoning GIS. In 2004 he began to work at CENATAV as junior researcher, from 2007 to 2013 he was the head of the Pattern recognition Department. In 2014 he was promoted to heat of the Image and Signal Research Team. In 2011 he obtained the category of Senior Researcher and also the head of the research group on Biometrics Recognition by Iris. He has been advisor of master and PhD thesis.
Research Topics of Interest
His research interests include but not restricted to:
Ø Cuban Association for Pattern Recognition. Ø Cuban Society of Geology. Ø Cuban Society of Espeleology.
Academic Background
Ø PhD in Technical Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Havana. Cuba, April 1, 1999 - Dec 4, 2003.
Ø M.Sc. in Geology, Mining Institute of Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 1, 1988 – June 21, 1993.
Ø B.S. in Geology and Hydrogeology, Mining Institute of Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 1, 1988 – June 21, 1993.
Academic Experience
Advising: PhD. Students:
Rainer Larin-Fonseca (Disserted in April, 2013). New Type of Ontology for Semantic Representation of Geospatial Objects .
Yasser Chacon-Cabrera (In progress). Method for Extraction and Codification of Iris Texture.
Yasiel Sánchez-González (In progress). Method for Automatic Iris Detection
MSc. Students MSc in Forest Sciences. Nardelis Alberro -Fuentes (Dissertation, June 2001, University of Pinar del Rio ). Thesis entitled. Automatic Location of Forest Facilities using GIS Techniques,.. MSc in Computer Sciences. Rafael Oliva-Santos. (Dissertation, January 2009, University of Havana). Thesis entitled: Semantic Annotation of Gegraphical Objects,.
BSc. Students BSc in Computer Sciences. Jose Ignacio Abreu-Salas. (Dissertation, June 2005, University of Havana). Thesis entitled: Method for Improvement of Fingerprint Images. BSc in Computer Sciences. Pavel Alfonso-Farias. [In conjunction with BSc. Francisco Vera Voronisky] (Dissertation, June 2008, University of Havana).. Thesis entitled: Application of Boosting Techniques for Automatic Detection of License Plates. BSc in Computer Sciences. Leonid Mendoza Robaina. [In conjunction with BSc. Rafael Oilva-Santos] (Dissertation, June 2008, University of Havana). Thesis entitled: Semantic Annotation of Geospatial Vector Data on gvSIG. BSc in Computer Sciences. Cynthia Costales Llerandi. [In conjunction with BSc. Rafael Oilva-Santos] (Dissertation, June 2008, University of Havana). Thesis entitled: Semantic Annotation of Geospatial Raster Data on gvSIG. BSc in Computer Sciences. Giosvany Miranda-Valdes. [In conjunction with BSc. Francisco Vera Voronisky] (Dissertation, June 2009, University of Havana).. Thesis entitled: Tools for Automatic Detection of License Plates. BSc in Computer Sciences. Miguel A. Duval-Poo. [In conjunction with PhD. Sandro Vega Pons] (Dissertation, June 2010, University of Havana).. Thesis entitled:Algorithms for Character Segmentation and Optical Recognition. Professional Services:
International Conferences
National Conferences
Journal Referee
Honors and Awards
Ø Annual Award to the Best Scientific Research Result, Minstry of Internal Affairs of Cuba. "Automatic Number Plate Recognition System", La Habana, 2012.
Ø Award of Quality in the Category of Informatics Applications XIV International Fair “Informatica 2011”. Modul Analitic of Xyma Safe Vision.
Ø Award of Quality at XII International Fair “Informatica 2009”. Biomesys AFIS.
Ø Best Paper Award , 4th Latin-American and Caribbean Conference on Cacao and Chocolate “Agro-ecological Zonation of Thebroma Cacao Lim for Mountain Regions of Cuba”, La Habana, Cuba, 2008.
Ø Annual Award to the Best Scientific Research Result Ministry of Sciences and Environment of Cuba. “Agro-ecological Zonation of Thebroma Cacao Lim for the Mountain Region of Sierra Maestra” Guantanamo, Cuba, 2008.
Ø Best Paper Award, 1th GIS Day Workshop. “Methodology based on the use of free software for the Environmental Management of Agricultural Enterprises”, La Habana, Cuba, 2008.
Ø Annual Award to the Best Scientific Research Result. Agricultural Ministry of Cuba. “Integrated System for the Decision Making for Soil and Environmental Management”. La Habana, Cuba, 2003.
2015 1. Eduardo Garea Llano, Juan Miguel Colores-Várgas, Mireya S. García-Vázquez, Luis Miguel Zamudio-Fuentes, Alejandro Alvaro Ramírez-Acosta: Cross-sensor iris verification applying robust fused segmentation algorithms. ICB 2015: 17-22
2. Mireya S. García-Vázquez, Eduardo Garea Llano, Juan Miguel Colores-Vargas, Luis Miguel Zamudio-Fuentes, Alejandro Alvaro Ramírez-Acosta: A Comparative Study of Robust Segmentation Algorithms for Iris Verification System of High Reliability. MCPR 2015: 156-165. In Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, José Francisco Martínez Trinidad, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, José Arturo Olvera-López, Fazel Famili:
Pattern Recognition - 7th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2015, Mexico City, Mexico, June 24-27, 2015, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9116, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-19263-5.
3. Yasser Chacon-Cabrera, Man Zhang, Eduardo Garea Llano, Zhenan Sun: Iris Texture Description Using Ordinal Co-occurrence Matrix Features:. In Alvaro Pardo, Josef Kittler: Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications - 20th Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2015, 184-191, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 9-12, 2015, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9423, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-25750-1.
2014 1. Yasiel Sanchez-Gonzalez, Yasser Chacon-Cabrera, Eduardo Garea-Llano. A Comparison of Fused Segmentation Algorithms for Iris Verification. E. Bayro-Corrochano and E. Hancock (Eds.): CIARP 2014, LNCS 8827, pp. 112–119, 2014. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. 2. José Luis Gil Rodríguez y Eduardo Garea Llano. Iris Recognition Systems - A Survey. RT.066, Blue Serie, Octubre 2014. ISSN 2072-6287 3. Yasiel Sanchez-Gonzalez, Yasser Chacon-Cabrera, Eduardo Garea-Llano. A Comparative Study of Fused Iris Segmentation Methods. Proceedings of RECPAT 2014. ISBN 978-959-16-2284-6. 4. Yasser Chacon Cabrera, Eduardo Garea Llano. Iris Features Extraction Methods. State of Art. Proceedings of RECPAT 2014. ISBN 978-959-16-2284-6 5. Yasiel Sanchez Gonzalez, Eduardo Garea Llano. Current Challenges in Iris Segmentation Methods. Proceedings of RECPAT 2014. ISBN 978-959-16-2284-6. 6. Yasiel Sánchez González, José Luis Gil Rodríguez and Eduardo Garea Llano. Iris Segmentation Methods and Current Challenges: State of the Art". RT-059, Blue Series. Pattern Recognition. digital version. RNPS_ 2142, ISSN 2072-6287, Febrary 2014. 7. Yasser Chacón-Cabrera, José Luis Gil-Rodríguez, and Eduardo Garea-Llano. Iris Feature Extraction Methods. Update 2013. RT_060, Blue Series. Pattern Recognition. digital version. RNPS_ 2142, ISSN 2072-6287, Febrary 2014. 8. Rafael Oliva-Santos, Eduardo Garea-Llano Ontology-Based Topological Representation of Remote Sensing Images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 35, Issue 1, 2014, pp 16-28. 2013 1. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano. Method for Semantic Enrichment and Geospatial Object Integration., Journal Ciencias de la Tierra y el Espacio, enero-junio, 2013, Vol.14, No.1, pp.60- 69, ISSN 1729-3790. 2. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano, Yasser Chacón Cabrera. Semantics and Invariant Descriptors for Remote Sensing Image Processing. Journal Ciencias de la Tierra y el Espacio, enero-junio, 2013, Vol.14, No.1, pp.51- 59, ISSN 1729-3790. 3. Eduardo Garea Llano. Algorithm for vehicle speed estimation under ANPR system conditions in Proceedings of International Conference of Computational and Informatics Sciences CICCI 2013, CD Informatica 2013 ISBN 978-959-7213-02-4. 4. Rainer Larin, Eduardo Garea. Approach for Semantic Integration of Geospatial Data in low level of abstraction. In proceedings of the International Conference GEOMATICA 2013, CD Informatica 2013 ISBN 978-959-7213-02-4. 5. Rainer Larin-Fonseca, Eduardo Garea-Llano, Yasser Chacón-Cabrera. Semantics and low level descriptors for remote sensing image retrieval. In proceedings of the International Conference GEOMATICA 2013, CD Informatica 2013 ISBN 978-959-7213-02-4. 6. Yasser Chacón-Cabrera, Rainer Larin-Fonseca, Eduardo Garea-Llano. The use of ontologies and Natural Language for semantics retrieval of remote sensing images. In proceedings of the International Conference GEOMATICA 2013, CD Informatica 2013 ISBN 978-959-7213-02-4. 2012 1. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano. An Approach to Semantically Represent Geospatial Objects Using Multiples Knowledge Domains, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, Volume 7441/2012, 187-195, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33275-3_23, CIARP 2012 2. Eduardo Garea Llano, Rainer Larin Fonseca. Geosemantics. A new Approach in the Development of Geographical Information Sciences, Proceedings of UCIENCIA 2012. 3. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano, Yasser Chacón Cabrera. Semantics and Invariant Descriptors for Remote Sensing Image Processing. Accepted to be published in Journal. Ciencias de la Tierra y el Espacio. November, 2012. 4. Eduardo Garea Llano, Miguel Duval Poo, Javier Lamar León, Edel Garcia Reyes. Set of Tools for License Plate Recognition and other applications for the Intelligent Video surveillance, Journal RCIDT, ISSN1684-6826. La Habana, Cuba, 2012. 5. Eduardo Garea Llano. A General Review About Biometric Identifcation by Iris, Journal RCIDT, ISSN1684-6826. La Habana, Cuba, 2012. 6. Yasser Chacón-Cabrera, Eduardo Garea-Llano. Semantic Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images based on Ontologies and Processing of Natural Language. In Proceedings of the X National Congress of Pattern Recognition, Camagüey, Cuba, 2012. ISBN 978-959-16-2065-1. 7. Rafael Oliva Santos, Eduardo Garea Llano, Francisco Maciá Pérez. Representación Semantic Representation of Remote Sensing Images. In proceedings of the X National Congress of Pattern Recognition, Camagüey, Cuba, 2012. ISBN 978-959-16-2065-1. 8. Rafael Oliva Santos, Eduardo Garea Llano, Francisco Maciá Pérez Tania Medina Otero. Ontology based Method for Automatic Migration between Metadata Standards of Geographical Information. In proceedings of the X National Congress of Pattern Recognition, Camagüey, Cuba, 2012. ISBN 978-959-16-2065-1. 9. Rainer Larin-Fonseca, Eduardo Garea-Llano, Yasser Chacón-Cabrera. Semantic Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images. In proceedings of the X National Congress of Pattern Recognition, Camagüey, Cuba, 2012. ISBN 978-959-16-2065-1. 10. Rainer Larin-Fonseca, Eduardo Garea-Llano. Extension of the Main Ontology based Approaches for the Integration of Geospatial Objects. In proceedings of the X National Congress of Pattern Recognition, Camagüey, Cuba, 2012. ISBN 978-959-16-2065-1. 2011 1. Francisco Vera Voronisky, Eduardo Garea Llano “Geo-ontology Aligning Methods: A Survey”. En “Towards a Trans-disciplinary Technology for Business Intelligence, Gathering Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Management and Decision Making” editorial Shaker, Berlin, 2011 ISBN 978-3-8322-9718-3 e ISSN 1863-8627. 2. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano. Topological Relations for Automatic Generation of Application Ontologies in. Journal. Cienc. Tierra y Esp., II Época, 2011 / Julio - Diciembre / No. 12 / pp. 47-57 ISSN 1729-3790. 3. Eydel Jaime González, Eduardo Garea Llano, Rainer Larin Fonseca. “Towards Analysis methods of spatial raster data in the semantic level”. Journal Computación y Sistemas” Vol. 15 No. 1. 4. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano. “Towards Ontology Driven Geographical Information Systems” in Francisco Macias Perez and Jose Vicente Berna Martínez. Desarrollo de Grandes Aplicaciones de Red, JDARE2011. University of Alicante, Spain, November 2011. ISSN 1889-7819, ISBN 978-84-615-4940-5 p 115-126. 5. Alain Jorge Acuña(0.5), Eduardo Garea Llano. “Semantic Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images through NDVI”, in Francisco Macias Perez and Jose Vicente Berna Martínez. Desarrollo de Grandes Aplicaciones de Red, JDARE2011. Univesity of Alicante, Spain, November 2011. ISSN 1889-7819, ISBN 978-84-615-4940-5 pag 127-138. 6. Alain Jorge Acuña, Eduardo Garea Llano. The Discriminant Analysis as a Statistical Classification Method for the Automatic Semantic Annotation of Remote Sensing Images. CD, Proceedings of RECPAT 2010. 7. Alexis Martínez Terrero, Eduardo Garea Llano. An approximation to the semantic processing of queries expressed in Natural Language for the vector data retrieval in GIS. , CD, Proceedings of RECPAT 2010. 8. Eydel Jaime-González, Rainer Larin-Fonseca, Eduardo Garea-Llano. Towards Analysis methods of spatial raster data in the semantic level”. CD, Proceedings of RECPAT 2010. 9. Lazaro L. Vina Armas, Eduardo Garea Llano. An approximation to the Semantic Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images. CD, Proceedings of RECPAT 2010. 10. Rafael Oliva Santos, Eduardo Garea Llano. Integration of the geographical reality in Geontologies. CD, Proceedings of RECPAT 2010. 11. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano. N-Dimentional Semantic Representation Representation of Geographical Data in a ODGIS enviroment. CD, Proceedings of RECPAT 2010. 12. Eduardo Garea Llano, Rainer Larin Fonseca. “Rules for the inclusion of Topological Relations in GIS Application Ontologies”. Proceedings of XIV International Convention Informatica .VII International Congress Geomatica 2011. ISBN 978-959-7213-01-7. 13. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano. “Automatic Generation of Data Representation Ontologies for the Semantic Integration of Geographical Hetergeneus Data”. Proceedings of XIV International Convention Informatica .VII International Congress Geomatica 2011. ISBN 978-959-7213-01-7. 14. Rafael Oliva Santos, Eduardo Garea Llano, Francisco Macías Pérez. “Model for integration of geographical data, metadata and knowledge” Proceedings of XIV International Convention Informatica .VII International Congress Geomatica 2011. ISBN 978-959-7213-01-7. 15. Alain Jorge Acuña, Eduardo Garea Llano, Rafael Oliva Santos. “Platform for manual semantic annotation of remote sensing images”. Proceedings of XIV International Convention Informatica .VII International Congress Geomatica 2011. ISBN 978-959-7213-01-7. 16. Alexis Martínez Terrero, Eduardo Garea Llano. “Towards a Semantic Retrieval of GIS vector data”. Proceedings of XIV International Convention Informatica .VII International Congress Geomatica 2011. ISBN 978-959-7213-01-7. 17. Alain Jorge Acuña, Eduardo Garea Llano. “Semantic Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images through NDVI”. CD, Proceedings of RECPAT 2011 ISBN 978-959-250-658-9 18. Reinier González Traves, Eduardo Garea Llano. “Trigonometrical based Speed Vehicle estimation”. CD Proceedings of RECPAT 2011 ISBN 978-959-250-658-9. 2010 1. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano. Automatic Representation of Geospatial data, Proceedings of the Second Cuban Workshop Eureka 2010 ‘Towards a Semantic Technology of the Organizational Intelligence and Sustainable Development. 2. Lazaro Viñas, Eduardo Garea Llano. Semantic Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images. Proceedings of the Second Cuban Workshop Eureka 2010 ‘Towards a Semantic Technology of the Organizational Intelligence and Sustainable Development. 3. Eduardo Garea Llano, Sandro Vega Pons, Francisco Vera Voronisky, Jose L. Gil Rodriguez. Methods for Automatic Detection and Identification of Cuban License Plates , Proceedings of UCIENCIA 2010, ISBN 978-959-286-011-7 4. Rainer Larin, Eduardo Garea. "Topological Relations as Rule for Automatic Generation of Geospatial Application Ontology", Fco Macias and Juan C.Monllor Eds. "Desarrollo de grandes aplicaciones de Red" JDARE 2010, Editorial OFP Velagrafic, University of Alicante Spain p 27-38, Oct 2010 ISBN 978-84-614-3720-7, 447 p 5. Rafael Oliva Santos, Eduardo Garea. "Scheme of a data, metadata and geographical knowledge integration model", JDARE 2010. Fco Macias and Juan C.Monllor Eds. "Desarrollo de grandes aplicaciones de Red" JDARE 2010, Editorial OFP Velagrafic, University of Alicante Spain p 39-47 , Oct 2010 ISBN 978-84-614-3720-7, 447 pags. 6. Eydel Jaime, Eduardo Garea. "State of the Art of Semantic retrieval methods for geographical raster data" RT032, Serie Azul, Octubre/10. 7. Alexis Martinez, Eduardo Garea. "Methods for Semantic Retrieval of vector spatial data”, RT034, Serie Azul, Octubre/10. 8. Alain J, Acuña, Eduardo Garea. "State of the Art of automatic methods of semantic annotation for remote sensing images", RT033, Serie Azul, Octubre/10. 9. Miguel A. Duval, Sandro Vega-Pons, Eduardo Garea Llano. Experimental Comparison of Orthogonal Moments as Feature Extraction Methods for Character Recognition, Bloch and RM Cesar (Eds.) CIARP 2010. LNCS, pp 394-401, Springer Verlag- Berlin Heilderberg 2010. 10. Rainer Larin Fonseca; Eduardo Garea Llano. Automatic Representation of Semantic Abstraction of Geographical Data by means of Classification, Bloch and RM Cesar (Eds.) CIARP 2010. LNCS, pp 27-38, Springer Verlag- Berlin Heilderberg 2010. 2009 1. Francisco Vera Voronisky, Eduardo Garea Llano. “Ontology Alighment in Geospatial domain”. (in Spanish) CD. Proceedings of the XIII Internacional Convention, Informática 2009, ISBN978-959-286-010-0. 2. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano. “Semantic Integration of Spatial Data using GIS”. (in Spanish). CD. Proceedings of the XIII Internacional Convention, Informática 2009, ISBN978-959-286-010-0. 3. Eduardo Garea Llano, Rafael Oliva Santos, Cinthya Costales, “Ontological Integration of Data, Metadata and Knowledge in GIS as tool for the Semantic Interpretation of spatial information. CD. Proceedings of the XIII Internacional Convention, Informática 2009, ISBN978-959-286-010-0. 4. Rafael Oliva-Santos, Leonid Mendoza-Robaina, Cynthia Costales-Llerandi, Eduardo Garea-Llano, Francisco Maciá Pérez “Semantic Annotation Model for GIS”. (in Spanish). CD. Proceedings of the XIII Internacional Convention, Informática 2009, ISBN978-959-286-010-0. 5. Antonio Vantour Causse, Francisco Soto Carreño, Eduardo Garea Llano, Gustavo Martin Morales. “The Edafo-Climatic Characteristics and Agro-ecological regions of the Guaniguanico Mountain region”. (in Spanish), CD. Proceedings of the XIII Internacional Convention, Informática 2009, ISBN978-959-286-010-0. 6. Clara M. John Louis, Antonio Vantour Causse, Francisco A. Rivero Reyes, Eduardo Garea Llano, Armando Tamayo Sierra, Rubén Duthil Bisset “ The use of Geomatics as tool for the Enviromental management of the agricultural Enterprise “Guira de Melena” (in Spanish), CD. Proceedings of the XIII Internacional Convention, Informática 2009, ISBN978-959-286-010-0. 7. Eduardo Garea-Llano, Rainer Larin Fonseca. “Combination of Spatial Analisys Methods and Semantics Extraction in a SDI Enviroment for Agro-ecological zonation”. Proceedings of 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, ISSN 2073-8013. 8. Eduardo Garea-Llano, “State of the Art of the Semantic Interpretatiuon of Spatial Data”. RT_001, (in Spanish), Blue Serie. Pattern Recognition, digital version. RPNS_2113, ISSN 2072-6260. 9. Francisco Vera Voronisky, Eduardo Garea-Llano. “Ontology Alighment in the geospatial domain”. RT_010 (in Spanish) Blue Serie. Pattern Recognition, digital version RPNS_2142, ISSN 2072-6287. 10. Eduardo Garea-Llano, Rafael Oliva Santos, Rainer Larin Fonseca, Francisco Vera Voronisky. “GIS as tool for integration and semantic interpretation of the spatial information”, in Tatiana Delgado, Jose Capote, eds. “Spatial Semantics and knowledge discovery for sustainable development”, Part I, Chapter I.2 pag 147- 165. Ed CUJAE, La Habana, Cuba, 2009, ISBN- 978-959-261-282-2 11. Rafael Oliva Santos, Eduardo Garea-Llano. “Methodology for semantic annotation of spatial”, in Tatiana Delgado, Jose Capote, Eds. ““Spatial Semantics and knowledge discovery for sustainable development”, Part I, Chapter I.2 pag 167- 181. Ed CUJAE, La Habana, Cuba, 2009, , ISBN- 978-959-261-282-2. 12. Francisco Vera Voronisky, Eduardo Garea Llano, RT_010 Ontology Alighment in Geospatial domain”. (in Spanish), Blue Serie. Pattern Recognition, digital version RNPS_2142 ISSN 2072-6287, july 2009 13. Rainer Larin Fonseca, Eduardo Garea Llano. RT_011. “Semantic Integration of Spatial Data using GIS”. (in Spanish), Blue Serie. Pattern Recognition, digital version RNPS_2142 ISSN 2072-6287, Noviembre 2009. 14. Rafael Oliva Santos, Eduardo Garea Llano, Francisco Macias Pérez. “Preliminary proposal for support of data, metadata and geographical knowledge integration in geo-ontologies (in Spanish), Development of large network applications. VI Conference, JDARE 2009. Ed. OFP Velagrafic, University of Alicante, Spain, Oct 2009, ISBN 798-84-613-4894-7, 476 pags. 15. Rafael Oliva Santos, Eduardo Garea Llano, Francisco Macias Pérez. Ideas for a persistence architecture based on geo-ontologies for semantic annotation of geo-data. (in Spanish), Development of large network applications. VI Conference, JDARE 2009. Ed. OFP Velagrafic, University of Alicante, Spain, Oct 2009, ISBN 798-84-613-4894-7, 476 pags. 16. Francisco Vera Voronisky, Eduardo Garea Llano, ”Ontology Alighment in Geospatial domain”. (in Spanish), Development of large network applications. VI Conference, JDARE 2009. Ed. OFP Velagrafic, University of Alicante, Spain, Oct 2009, ISBN 798-84-613-4894-7, 476 pags 2008 1. Garea E, Soto F, Vantour A. “Agroecological Zonation in Mountain Conditions using Spatial Analisys Methods”, Journal Mapping, Revista Internacional de ciencias de la Tierra” Mapping Nº 126, Augost-Sept 2008, ISSN 1131-9100. 2007 1. Garea E, Gil JL. Ontology Driven Geographical Information Systems as tool for Semantic interpretation of spatial information and its integration to the IDERC, International Conference “Informática 2007”, V International Congress of Geomatic 2007. CD, ISBN 978-959-286-002-5. 2. Garea E, Soto F, Vantour A. Agroecological Zonification in Montain Conditions using methods of spatial analysis, International Conference “Informática 2007”, V International Congress of Geomatic 2007. CD, ISBN 978-959-286-002-5. 3. Garea E, Soto F, Vantour A. Spatial Análisis for the Agroecological Zonification in Montain Conditions, Proceedings of the Second Cuban Convention of Earth Sciences ISBN 978-959-7117-2 4. Careaga J, Rivero L, Garea E. Agroecological Zonification of a Sector of Sierra Norte de Puebla, México, using tecnics of Espacial Analysis in GIS, Proceedings of the Second Cuban Convention of Earth Sciences ISBN 978-959-7117-2 5. Garea E, Soto F, Vantour A, Combination of Methods of spatial analysis for the Agro-ecological zonation in Mountain conditions. Journal “Ciencias de la Tierra y el Espacio” No.7 Second Time, ISSN 1729-3790 6. Garea E, Silva F, Talavera I, Hernández N, Gonzáles R. Improvement deoxyribo nucleic acid spots classification in polyacrilamide gel images using photometric normalization algorithms, Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol 525, Issues 1-2 pag 145-151, 9 July, 2007, ed Elseiver, ISSN 0003-2670. 7. Garea E, Gil JL, Vega S. A Method for Segmentation of Local Illumination Variations and Photometric Normalization in Face Images, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4756, Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications, Springer Berlin, ISSN 0302-9743. 8. Garea E, Oliva R. Geo-ontologies as integration structures of knowledge data and metadata, CD Proceedings of Geos 2007, Ciudad de Mexico, Noviembre 2007, ISBN 978-970-36-0461-6. 2006 1. Garea E. Spatial Recognition of Combination Zones of Natural Factors in context of an analytical GIS, Journal Mapping, Spain No 107. Febrary-March 2006, p 61-67 ISSN 1131-9100 2. Garea E, Mendez H, An Illumination Insensitive Representation for Face Verification in the Frequency Domain, Porceedings of the II Conferencia Científica de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas, ISBN 959-16-0463-7 3. Garea E, Kittler J, Messer K, Mendez H An Illumination Insensitive Representation for Face Verification in the Frequency Domain, IEEE Computer Society, ICPR2006, ISBN 0-7695-2521-0 pp. 215-218 4. Garea E, Kittler J, Messer K, Mendez H A comparative Study of Face Representations in the Frequency Domain Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume 4225/2006, pp.99-108. 5. Silva F, Garea E, Alvarez E, Gil JL: A Fast Adaboosting based Method for Iris and Pupil Contour Detection, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume 4225/2006, pp.127-136. 6 Alvarez E, Silva F, Garea E, Mendez H, A Fast Method for Localization of Local Illumination Variations and Photometric Normalization in Face Images, Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume 4225/2006, pp.48-57. 2005 1. Lau A, Garea E, Ruíz ME, Estimation of soil salinity using an espectrozonal image and the Geographical Information Syastem Telemap, Journal Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2005, pp. 47-54 2004 1. Garea, E. A new method for espacial recognition of degradation processes in soils”.Proceedings of the IV Congreso Internacional Geomática 2004. CD, ISBN 959-237-117-2. (2004). 2. Garea, E., Martín, G. Aplication of Geographical Information Systems for the development of renewable energy in Cuba. Proceedings of the IV International Congress Geomática 2004. CD, ISBN 959-237-117-2. (2004). 3. Martín, G. Garea, E. Geographical Information System for the Local Information Management, case of study Yaguajay. Proceedings of the IV International Congress Geomática 2004. CD, ISBN 959-237-117-2. (2004). 4. Carrasco, H, Garea, E. Recognition of spatial distribution of hazard combinations in turist works. Proceedings of the. IV International Congress Geomática 2004. CD, ISBN 959-237-117-2. (2004). 5. Garea E. Spatial Recognition of Combination Zones of Natural Factors in context of an analytical GIS. Proceedings of the VII Workshop Geoinfo 2004, ISSN 1028-8961 2003 1.Vantour, A., Hernández, A. Garea, E., Edafic Regions for the Coffee Cultivation in the Mountain Region Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa; Proceedings of the XV Latin-American Congress and V Cuban of Soil Sciences. ISSN 1609-1876. (2003). 2. Garea. Methods for the Soil Information Management in Mountain Regions of Cuba using Digital Techniques, PhD thesis , Havana, 2003. 3. Utset A, Garea E. The Use of a Simulation Model and a Geographical Information System for the Estimation of Sugar Cane Yields in some Cuban Soils., Annual Report of the Library of the Agrarian University of Havana. 4. Galvez, V., Rivero L.,Garea, E., Interactions between soil properties, the management and the environment in the south of Pinar del Río", Journal Ecosolar, April June, 2003. ISSN 1028-1064 5. Garea B, Curbelo A, Jiménez O, Garea E. Martin G. SWERA. Cuba Progress Report, August 2003, 2002 1. Martin, G, Garea, E, Veja., H. GIS of the Special Regions of the Sustainable Development of Guamuhaya, Guaniguanico and Sierra Maestra”; Proceedings International Congress GEOMATICA 2002, ISBN 959-237-079-6. 2. Garea, E. An approximation to the Soil Information System for Mountain regions of Cuba; Proceedings of the International Congress GEOMATICA 2002, ISBN 959-237-079-6. 3. García, E., Garea, E, Gil, J. Methodological Approach for the soil salinity monitoring in a mountain region using satellite images Proceedings of International Congress GEOMATICA 2002, ISBN 959-237-079-6. 2001 1. Martin, G, Garea, E, Vega, H. Information Management in the Special Regions of the Sustainable Development of Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa by means of application of advanced techniques. Proceedings of the IV International Congress of Mining and Geology GEOMIN’2001. 2000 1. Garea, E. Delgado, T. TeleSwap interface between the GIS Telemap and the SWAP model. Proceedings of The Cuban Congress of Geophysics, GEOINFO 2000, ISBN 1028-8961 . 2. Garea, E, Delgado, T. Interfaces between the GIS TeleMap and ILWIS and the SWAP model. Proceedings of International Workshop: Informática 2000, GEOMATICA 2000, ISBN 959-7160-01-3. 3. Garea, E. Lau, A. Estimation of soil salinity using an espectrozonal image and the Geographical Information System Telemap. Proceedings of Internacional Workshop: Informática 2000, GEOMATICA 2000, ISBN 959-7160-01-3 1993-1999 1. Martinez, E. Garea, E. Rodríguez, J. Productive evaluation of Suburban and Outlying Lands, Journal Terra, A.C. Vol 12, Div II p 125, ISSN 0187-5779, October-December, 1996 2. Garea, E, Lau, A. Estimation of soil salinity using an espectrozonal image and the Geographical Information System Telemap. Accepted to publish in The Journal Voluntad Hidraulica. 3. Garea E., Rodríguez, J. Study of salinity of soils in a rice cultivation area of Pinar del Rio using GIS techniques. Proceedings of International Workshop “Geología y Minería’98”, Cub. ISBN 959-7117-02-9, Volumen II, 1998 |
Invited Conferences
Ø Magisterial Conference. Advances of Applications on the Spatial Data Management. First Workshop on Spatial Data Infrastructures. La Habana, July, 2013.
Ø Magisterial Conference. “Geosemantics, a new direction in the Development of Geographical Information”I Workshop on Geoinformatics, Scientific Conference UCIENCIA 2012, Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas, La Habana, Cuba, February 2012.
Ø Magisterial Conference. “Geosemantics, a new direction in the Development of Geographical Information”. International Conference GEOMATICA, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, 20 May 2010.
Ø Conference. “Pattern Recognition and Data Mining Techniques, their applications on web services”. In Scientific and Technological Workshop of the Environmental Ministry of Cuba, 20 January, 2010.
Ø Magisterial Conference. “Results and perspectives of the research on Geosemantics in Cuba”. Institute of Geoinformatics, University of Munster, Germany 9,June 2009.
Researcher |